Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Teaching Assistant Level 3

Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting the Teacher

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. Describe how you might contribute to a lesson given to a group of seven year-old children learning to play percussion instruments.
Q2. What might your role be in organizing, using and maintaining the learning resources, materials and equipment for the lesson discussed in question 1?
Q3. What aspects of safety would you consider before and during the lesson discussed in question 1?
Q4. Describe how you act in class in order to be an effective role model for the standards of behaviour expected in pupils.
Q5. What strategies might you employ to encourage pupils to behave appropriately? Describe how you might react to incidents of bullying and violence.
Q6. In what type of lesson might you appropriately observe the physical abilities and skills of a nine-year-old child? What would you list in your observation report?
Q7. Considering the nature of the lesson discussed in question 6, how would you record your observations? What factors should you consider when completing a written observation?

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Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting the Pupil

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. Briefly outline the social and emotional development of children from birth to age sixteen and the influences that might affect development.
Q2. How might adults within a school setting encourage pupils to recognise and express their own emotions? What are the possible signs and possible causes of emotional distress?
Q3. Describe how you might approach building a positive working relationship with an eight year old girl that had special educational needs.
Q4. When working within a group of pupils, anticipate what problems might occur amongst them and discuss how you might tackle those situations.
Q5. A teaching assistant may be expected to deal with a range of accidents and ailments. Explain how you would deal with:
•Signs of distress
Q6. List signs and symptoms of as many common childhood illnesses as you can think of.
Q7. How might the teaching assistant help to meet the requirements of the school health, hygiene and medical policies and procedures? What factors may they have to consider whilst carrying out these duties? Research your local authority’s guidelines on administering medication. Briefly outline them. List possible signs of physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. And briefly outline how a teaching assistant may deal with a suspicion or disclosure of abuse.

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Q1. Research the main content of the National Curriculum for Wales. Include subject headings (English, Maths, Science) and a brief summary of each. Be sure to explain any terminology used in your summary. (E.g. SAT’s – standard assessment tests)

Q2. Choose one subject (e.g. Geography, History, Art etc) and complete a detailed study of it over one key stage.
Q3. Investigate three recent national strategies and write a brief description of each.
Q4. Obtain a prospectus from a local school and research what extra curricula activities are available there. Write a detailed description of one activity.
Q5. List and briefly outline the main factors that influence teaching and learning.
Q6. Using your preferred method of research, study various teaching assistant’s job descriptions and explain the variety of support a teaching assistant may be expected to give in the classroom whilst supporting planning and evaluating learning activities.
Q7. State why you think it is important to plan and prepare learning activities. How will the experience and qualifications of the teaching assistant affect the support they are able to give?
Q8. What feedback might a teaching assistant be expected to provide and in what form and to who might they be required to deliver it?
Q9. When assisting in the delivery of learning activities, describe how a teaching assistant might be expected to:
• assist pupils and keep them on track
• encourage pupils to work independently
• use learning material appropriately
• monitor responses
Q10. Explain how a teaching assistant might recognize problems that might occur whilst supporting individuals and how they could be managed

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Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting the School

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. Using the Internet, library, newspaper or magazine, find an example of a teaching assistant’s job description. Consider each role and think whether you would require further training in order to carry out those tasks.
Q2. Identify and describe those training needs, where you might receive the right sort of training and a timescale in which you would be able to complete the objectives.
Q3. What development support might be available to you and how might you use it?
Q4. List and explain the legal responsibilities of the school relating to the duty of care and the welfare of the child.
Q5. Research the local authority guidelines for procedures relating to child protection issues that operate in your area. Which national and local organisations and agencies also share responsibilities for child protection and what are their roles?
Q6. What legal requirement relating safety and security of yourself and those in your care, would you have to consider whilst carrying out the duties of a teaching assistant?
Q7. Describe how you would carry out a risk assessment whilst organising a game of football in the school playground.
Q8. Outline legal requirements relating to equal opportunities.
Q9. Explain the legal responsibilities of those responsible for education policy and practice in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Q10. What is the mission statement and general context of a school near to you?
Q11. Describe the different types of members of a school’s governing body and describe their collective and individual responsibilities.
Q12. Describe the staff structure of a primary school and the variety of responsibilities that they undertake. What:
• staff guidance policies and procedures
• general school policies and procedures
might be in operation? Outline the broad content of each.
Q13. Explain the purpose of the school development plan and its relevance to the teaching assistant’s role.

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Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting ICT in the Classroom

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. Outline how the teaching assistant might establish and agree the ICT equipment requirements with the teacher prior to a teaching session.
Q2. Describe how you might check the availability and working condition of the ICT equipment and inform the teacher.
Q3. Describe a procedure that might be used to correctly follow the instructions relating to the setting up of the ICT equipment.
Q4. How could you ensure accessories, consumables, software and instructions are available and accessible?
Q5. Outline some important safety instructions that might be used relating to ICT equipment and its use.
Q6. Describe how you might provide support and guidance in the safe and correct operation of ICT equipment.
Q7. Identify legislation covering the use of ICT equipment.
Q8. How could you encourage independence in the development of ICT skills?
Q9. What might the role of the teaching assistant be in carrying out regular checks of ICT equipment to maintain good working order?
Q10. How might you use all consumables, software and accessories correctly and encourage others to do so?
Q11. Describe how schools might store all ICT equipment and peripherals safely and securely after use.

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Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting Pupils with SEN (Special Educational Needs)

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. Outline the factors that influence learning.
Q2. Outline the principles of educational inclusion.
Q3. Explain the importance of attitudes, skills and resources in the achievement of successful educational inclusion.
Q4. Explain the importance of encouraging independent learning when promoting educational inclusion.
Q5. Outline current thinking relating to special educational needs.
Q6. List the stages of the statementing process.
Q7. List and explain the broad content of the SEN code of practice.
Q8. List and explain the broad content of the LEA and school SEN policies.
Q9. Research the responsibilities of all teaching and support staff for learners with special educational needs in a local school to you.
Q10. Outline the purpose and use of at least two different resources and two pieces of specialist equipment for learners with special educational needs that might be available in schools.
Q11. Explain the contents and purpose of an individual education plan and explain how a teaching assistant could contribute towards achieving its aims.
Q12. Describe how you might carry out a case study for a learner with special educational needs and what information it should contain.
Q13. Design a brief that could be used to advise school staff of the guidelines in confidentiality in an imaginary school.

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 Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting Literacy Development

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. List and outline the factors that affect literacy development.
Q2. List and explain strategies that a teaching assistant might use to support literacy development.
Q3. Outline the stages of reading skills development.
Q4. List the cues and strategies that learners might use as they develop reading skills.
Q5. List and explain different text types and genres.
Q6. Outline the main methods for teaching reading skills.
Q7. Outline the school policy and procedures relating to the development of learners’ reading skills that are in operation in a school in your neighbourhood.
Q8. Identify the main elements of the national tests for reading and the learning objectives for reading in the relevant national curriculum used in a school in your neighbourhood at one particular key stage.
Q9. Explain the different purposes of writing.
Q10. Explain the stages of writing skills development.
Q11. How could a teaching assistant support and demonstrate correct letter formation and handwriting skills.
Q12. How could a teaching assistant support and demonstrate spelling skills.
Q13. Outline the policy and procedures relating to the development of learners’ writing skills that is used in a school in your neighbourhood.
Q14. Describe how to use writing and spelling resources correctly and appropriately.
Q15. Identify the main elements of the national test for writing and the learning objectives for writing in the relevant National curriculum used in a school in your neighbourhood at one particular key stage.
Q16. Explain how a teaching assistant could be a good role model by using appropriate language with the learner.
Q17. Explain the stages of speaking and listening skills development.
Q18. How can a teaching assistant encourage learners to use speaking and listening skills correctly?
Q19. Describe the varieties of non-standard English and explain why it is important to show respect for the use of non-standard English.
Q20. Explain and demonstrate different types of questions.
Q21. Outline the school policy and procedures relating to the development of learners speaking and listening skills that are used in school in your neighbourhood.
Q22. Identify the relevant learning objectives for speaking and listening in the relevant National curriculum used in a school in your neighbourhood at one particular key stage.

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 Teaching Assistant Level3 – Supporting Numeracy Development

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. Outline the school policy and procedures relating to mathematics that is in operation in a school in your neighborhood.
Q2. Outline the broad content of the national test for mathematics.
Q3. How might a teaching assistant use appropriate terminology and language when supporting the development of number skills?
Q4. Explain the stages of number skills development.
Q5. List and outline the factors that affect number skills development.
Q6. List and explain strategies that support number skills development.
Q7. Explain the importance of mental calculation skills.
Q8. Explain how calculators can help in development of number skills.
Q9. Identify the relevant learning objectives for number in the relevant National curriculum used in a school in your neighbourhood at one particular key stage.
Q10. Outline the stages of problem solving and data handling skills development.
Q11. How could the teaching assistant support learners in developing problem solving and data handling skills?
Q12. Explain strategies and methods used in solving problems.
Q13. Explain strategies and methods used in organising, handling and interpreting data effectively.
Q14. How could the teaching assistant use appropriate terminology when supporting the developments of problem solving and data handling skills.
Q15. Outline the stages of development relating to the understanding of measures, shape and space.
Q16. How could the teaching assistant support learners in developing an understanding of measures, shape and space?
Q17. Explain strategies and methods used in developing an understanding of measures, shape and space.
Q18. Describe how the teaching assistant could use appropriate terminology when supporting the understanding of measures, shape and space.
Q19. Describe three pieces of appropriate equipment and how to use them correctly, which may be used in the teaching of measures, shape and space at one particular key stage.

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Teaching Assistant Level3 – Working with Others

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. List the different teams that might operate within a school and describe their responsibilities.
Q2. Outline the teams that a teaching assistant might belong to and define their role within each team.
Q3. Identify correct procedures for discussions and decision-making during team meetings.
Q4. How might the teaching assistant contribute to discussions and decision making during team meetings?
Q5. Describe how the teaching assistant should show respect for and value the contributions made by other members of the team.
Q6. Outline how the teaching assistant should offer support and encouragement to other members of the team.
Q7. What type of support might a teaching assistant offer to colleagues in line with their role and responsibilities?
Q8. Describe how to communicate effectively with colleagues.
Q9. Outline the correct procedures when handling difficulties with colleagues.
Q10. Explain how to maintain all aspects of confidentiality when working with colleagues.
Q11. Describe how the teaching assistant could actively promote and support equal opportunities when working with colleagues.
Q12. List those other professionals who might support pupils’ educational development and describe their roles and responsibilities.
Q13. How might the teaching assistant promote and foster positive working relationships with other professionals who support pupils’ educational development?
Q14. Describe how the teaching assistant should contribute effectively to activities with other professionals within their role definition.
Q15. What strategies could be employed to promote and foster positive relationships with the pupil’s parents?
Q16. Outline how to share information about children with their parents, consistent with guidance on confidentiality and within the role definition of the teaching assistant.
Q17. Describe how to follow the school procedure in dealing with other professionals and parents.

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Teaching Assistant Level3 – Final Exam

Assignment’s questions:

Q1. In your own words summarise the major learning points from the whole of the study programme with particular reference to:
• Supporting the teacher
• Supporting the pupil
• Supporting the curriculum
• Supporting the school
• Supporting ICT in the classroom
• Supporting pupils with Special Education Needs
• Supporting literacy development
• Supporting numeracy development
• Working with others
Q2. With reference to your own learning summarise how you will be able to utilize these theories when working in everyday situation.

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